Friday, November 04, 2011

I am still here...

I am still here and watching anime. The new Marvel anime, adult swim anime and more.

Let me know what you all think!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Quarter Munchers

I have been Drawing a new web comic. Take a look, I hope you all like it:

Quarter Munchers

See you all there!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles - IT IS OUT!

Thats right, outs now out for sale! Impressions coming soon.
Until then enjoy the new Robotech goodness.

Friday, October 13, 2006

....after the Wedding

Well I am now a married man, and loving it. Everything went perfect, the church ceromony was very nice and the reception wes so much fun.

It goes so fast, but it was the most fun we had in a long time. Music, food, beer, what can be better....anyway just wanted to give you an update.

Nintendo Wii and PS3 preorders

Well as the title implyes, the madness has insued! This week both systems went on preorder at EB and Gamestop, under very limited suplies.

Me and my brother reserved a Wii and PS3 respectivly. The PS3 were from 8-12 a store and the Wii were more like 12-32+ depending on store, both sold/are selling out fast.

The PS3's should all be soldout by now, the reservations started tuesday, at very little quanity. The Wii went on preorder today, friday, and I expect it being gone very fast, people at the Gamestop were there before 7am while I was walking to work.

Good luck getting one and on Nov, 17th and 19th, hopefully, we will all be having fun, even more fun if you are a nintendo fan, I suspect :)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Thoughts on Next-Gen gaming

Since I haven't had any recent exposure to anime in the past few weeks, I figured it would be a good time to switch gears over to the gaming side of the blog. There's about a month left until the Wii and Playstation 3 are exposed to the masses here in the U.S., and after running around to EB and Gamestops yesterday trying to preorder a console, now seems to be the perfect time for this topical subject.

I honestly have to say I'm not all that excited about "next-gen" at the moment. The 360 has a few good moments, but in my opinion is pretty much a disappointment. I know of several people who bought one, got bored with it qucikly, and traded it back in for greener pastures. Granted games are still first gen, and everyone knows first gen games usually suck, but Microsoft just hasn't done anything to WOW me with the system just yet.

And it may be too early to say this, but I have the same outlook for the PS3. I'm a huge shmup fan (that's shoot em up, for those wondering), and knowing Sony's policy about not supporting 2-D games anymore, thing don't look promising on that front. However, that doesn't mean I can't enjoy other genres, right? Well, nothing in the batch of launch titles holds my attention just yet. I'm curious to see what kind of graphics and overall experience the system can kick out, but am I psyched up for any actual games? No.

So I guess that leaves good old Nintnedo. They are really taking a chance with the Wii's new control system, and I certainly respect them for it. There's a 50/50 chance that it will fly with me though......getting used to the new control scheme might take some time. And, will each game have tight enough controls where using the Wiimote won't get frustrating? I have to wait and see....however ignoring all that, I can count on Nintendo for the sold variety and quality of games that I'm really looking forward to playing. Pushing the envelope in the hardware department isn't as important to me as actually having FUN titles to play, so I guess what I'm saying is that I'm looking forward to the Wii most of all. Then again, whichever console delivers some new shmup titles, I'm all over it. Guess I can only wait and see what the two remaining next generation consoles have to offer.........

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I am getting married!!!!!

Thats right, this Saturday, September 23rd. Needless to say I wont be blogging for a week or 2.

See you when I get back.

New Guyver Series!

There is a new Guyver series on the way and IGN has the World Exclusive Guyver Episode you can watch the first episode of the new anime series before anyone else!

Click here

I am at work so I can't watch it yet, but if its as good as the old series, it should be great. The first episode will make its TV premiere on October 26th, only on Anime Network. The second will follow on November 2nd, and the first volume DVD will debut November 19th.

I can't wait to watch, Sounds great.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Voices from a Distant Star

I was leaving work the other day and noticed a cool looking anime tape in the bargin bin, and decided to give it a shot and took it home. It was "Voices from a Distant Star", and I'm glad to have checked it out. While only clocking in at about 24 minutes, this animated short (rather than feature) really packs a huge emotional punch.
The story takes place over a long peroid of time due to the nature of the plot. It starts off detailing the relationship between two schoolmates, one of whom decides to join the military and pilot a mech in an intergalactic war. She is eventually shipped out for service, yet the friends keep in touch with each other despite the light years seperating them. Communication takes longer and longer as the radio signals must travel further through space, so the months turn into years as the couple relates even their most basic thoughts.
A long distance relationship is a tough subject to tackle, and with only 24 minutes to explore it, VFDS has a fast pacing. They do an excellent job of mixing just the right amount of mech action with character interatcion - most of the dialogue is revealed through the character's thoughts, so even though alone, they can still give you a glimpse of what someone is feeling. The space battles are a cross between Robotech and Silpheed: The Lost Planet (a game for the Playstation 2) - in fact I wonder if Silpheed inspired this or vice versa, there are so many similar artistic designs. The music is also used to heighten emotions as the couple grows farther apart, with haunting, sad melodies.
I'm not a very emotional person at all, but I must say VFDS, along with Grave of the Fireflys had me a little choked up. At it's heart Voices is a love story, but don't let that stop you from watching if you're not a fan of sentimental material. There is still enough sci-fi and space mech fighting to carry any anime fan through this title. I'd recommend watching this, especially as a date movie - as long as the two of you aren't parting for any length of time.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Trinity Blood and Bleach on Adult Swim

Well, there is some new anime on TV to watch - Trinity Blood and Bleach have started on on Adult Swim this past saturday!

I really enjoyed Trinity Blood, its was very entertaining espically if you like vampires. It was more violent then I expected to see on TV, it was very good.

Bleach was good too, I need to get a few more episodes under my belt (of both really), but I liked what I saw. You really can't go wrong with either shows.

After them, Eureka 7 and Inuyasha are still on afterward, good shows as well.
Overall a good lineup for saturday nights, anime fans enjoy!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Street Fighter IV coming soon!

Its about time, Street Fighter IV has been announced for 2007.
More information as it comes in!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles

There is a new Robotech movie on the way, Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles. Robotech fans have been waiting fo this for so long, the teaser trailer looks really good. Here is the link for the trailer in

  • The animation quality looks really good, it is 88 mins and takes place after the invid invasion with Earths forces trying to find the SDF 3 and Admiral Hunter.

    "With the unexpected conclusion to the war with the Invid, the people of Earth are finally liberated and an expedition prepares to search for Admiral Hunter's missing fleet. However, another mystery unfolds as a deadly new adversary threatens to test the limits of the Expeditionary Force's use of Shadow Technology..."

    It comes out on DVD on November, 21st. Here is all the info:

  • Take a look, enjoy!

    Saturday, August 19, 2006

    Transformers Revealed for upcoming movie!

    The Transformers live webcast on Yahoo! Movies, revealed which Autobots and Decepticons will be in the new movie. Screenwriters Alex Kurtzman and Bob Orci gave us all the new information. The movie will be directed by Michael Bay and produced by Stephen Spielberg.

    Here are the Autobots and Decepticons featured in the film.

    Optimus Prime - The Autobot leader
    Bumblebee - The same old, but he's a Camaro in the movie
    Jazz - YES! He rocks
    Ratchet - Not an ambulance, will appear in a new form - intresting
    Ironhide - The tough soldier we all love

    Megatron - Can't wait to see him
    Starscream - Always secretly plotting to dethrone Megatron, same as always
    Brawl - He was cool in the old show
    Bonecrusher - Supposed to be like a constructicon
    Barricade - He is the hunter and is a cop car
    Scorpinok - He should rock, he was cool in tha old show
    Frenzy - A smaller Decpeticon - a stealth spy type
    Blackout - The guy who takes out our ability to fight back

    Thursday, August 10, 2006

    Fooly Cooly (FLCL) and Adult Swim Info.

    Fooly Cooly
    It was on Adult Swim last saturday night. I tuned in to watch my normal anime and it was on. They played the whole OVA, 6 episodes. I would like the chance to see it again to give it a rating though, since I didn't see it all the way though.

    Let me tell you it was strange, I wish I got to see it all. I was so tired I drifted in and out, happens now and then to me sat. nights espically when I got up early that morning. From what I got to see I liked, it was funny - very wierd - you know robots coming out of your head because you got ran over by a girl on a scooter wierd. A lot of anime fans like it and I really wanted to see it, I am glad it was on.

    Adult Swim
    There are some changes to the lineup coming up soon, InuYasha: Swords of an Honorable Ruler (Movie 3) is on Sat, Aug. 12th. New shows, Bleach and Trinity Blood, are going to be on in the coming weeks, as well as some others. They are removing some too as well as moving them around, here is a link to the schedule from their site:

    Well thats it for now, so go enjoy some anime!

    Saturday, July 29, 2006

    How Do I Go About Rating Anime?

    Updated from the M.A.R.S. Ratings and Reviews page:

    blue cyclone There is so much Anime out there it is hard to tell what you should rent much less buy. It is usually involves a lot trial, error and some guesswork for a lot of people. I am here to give you a hand in solving this problem for you. I intend to rate all of the Anime that I have viewed and what I have in my collection (Which is a lot of Anime.)

    The Anime will be subject to a rating on a "ONE TO FIVE" U.N. SPACY INSIGINA SCALE.
    (For any of you anime fans that do not know U.N. Spacy is from
    Robotech {Macross})

    A " " would be OUTSTANDING!, an A (You must get this NOW.)
    A " " would be EXCELLENT!, a B (You should see this very soon.)
    A " " would be AVERAGE!, a C (Rent this when you have seen the others.)
    A " " would be OK!, a D (If you must see all Anime avaliable, RENT this)
    A " " would be POOR!, an F (Well...this is utter crapola, but if you don't mind your eyes bleeding.)

    red cyclone The Anime contained on this page will be rated by me, and Anime Central contributers, all anime fans. All Anime on this site will consist a 1 (worst) to 5 (best) rating, as seen above and you will also get a review/summary of the Anime, spoiler free of course! This is how we feel about the Anime in question, and hopefully this will lessen the confusion you may have had, so you can make a better decision.

    I wanted to post this here so anyone that hasn't seen the M.A.R.S. site knows how ratings and reviews here are going being done in the future.

    Anime on Cartoon Network and Adult Swim

    Anime on Cartoon Network
    For those of you that don't know Cartoon Network has anime on during the week during the regular lineup and espically on Saturday nights during adult swim. The current lineup for Saturday night usually between 9:00 and 11:00 is as follows:

    One Piece
    Bobobo-bo Bo-Bobo
    Dragon Ball Z
    Dragon Ball GT

    Anime on Adult Swim
    During the Adult Swim protion of the night they have the more mature anime on for older audiences usually between 11:00-2:00 (11:30 now, they put Futurama on instead of Inuyasha, dumb and annoying being its not anime) after 2:00 they are relplayed. The current lineup is as follows:

    Full Metal Alchemist
    Eureka 7
    Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (season 1)
    Ghost in the Shell: 2nd Gig (season 2) - Totally awesome series
    Samurai Champloo - Totally awesome series as well

    Cartoon Network seems to rotate a lot and not all of these are on all the time, some appear after the adult swim episodes after 2:00 and some during the week.

    That being said, I will start posting ratings and mini reviews soon.

    Howdy everyone.......

    Hello there, my name is Postman, and you might have heard of me from Shootthecore. I'm going to be helping Morrigan with some articles from time to time. I'm most interested in the video game field, and have been playing since the Atari 2600 era (yes I'm old). That doesn't mean I'm a stranger to anime though. I can still remember my first viewing, it was Robot Carnival playing late night on the USA network. I was amazed by the animation quality and the mature handling of subject matter; this was no cartoon! Since then I was hooked, and have enjoyed quite a number of titles.

    Some of my favorites include the Starblazers series, Vampire Hunter D, Grave of the Fireflys, and Salamander (based on the Gradius game.) I don't get a chance to view too much anime now, however I'm fortunate to have access to Comcast on demand, and they have a free anime section which plays great stuff from time to time.

    Thursday, July 27, 2006

    How I want updates on Anime Central to be done, as well as anime updates

    Well since my last M.A.R.S. update I have watched a lot of anime and I haven't put any of it on the main site. I am now looking at this list of new anime sitting in front of me that I need to get on the site. I am going to post it all here on the blog site, I probally have like 60+ or so titles I haven't put up yet.

    I plan to put up one or a few every so often, depending on how long the summaries of them are. I don't like to go into a lot of detail and spoil plot details or anything, I usually give my feelings about the anime and if I feel you guys will like it. If you go over to M.A.R.S. you will see hundreds of anime ratings, summaries and reviews on the "Ratings and Reviews page." That is a great start and you can see how I like to do things. I don't know how often I will update there now, but that's why I started the Anime Central Blog site and there is a lot of existing content there for you to enjoy.

    I really want to help give existing anime fans, as well as, new anime fans, or soon to be fans, an idea of what to start with or where to go next. There is a lot of anime out there, and like movies, range from great to crap. I find there to be a lot more good anime then crap, but if I can help you won't need to see it.

    Well until my next post, enjoy watching anime!

    Second staff writer at Anime Central - Hunter

    Welcome Hunter as the second staff writer for Anime Central. He is also an anime fan, loves videogames movies and other stuff. He knows his stuff, so like Postman he will contribute articles from time to time. He will also introduce himself in the coming days.